Esther Eayres Chapter NSDAR was organized July 12, 1918, with 12 charter members. Esther Eayres was the first white child born in Orono, Maine. She was born April 30, 1777, the daughter of Joshua Eayres. Her father owned the island in the Basin, which has been known as “Eayres’ Island.” He moved to Passadumkeag in 1800. Esther married William McPheters in 1795, and from that time to her death on September 5, 1869, at age 74, she lived on the farm which was later owned and occupied by her son, Joseph McPheters. The town of Veazie now owns the 25-acre McPhetres Farm Forest behind Route 2 and Davis Drive homes. It contains a two-mile trail passing a large variety of tree species, including white oaks and a 100+-year-old white pine stand.
McPhetres Farm, now part of Orono Land Trust
November 11, 1927, the Memorial Tablet
of World War Veterans of Orono was unveiled.
It was placed on a boulder on the lawn
in front of the O.H.M.H. American Legion Post # 84.
In Honor of Those Who Served
In Memory of Those Who Made
The Supreme Sacrifice
Placed By
Esther Eayres Chapter D.A.R.
A historical stone and bronze marker was placed on the Orono Post Office lawn with a public ceremony of dedication.
Erected by Esther Eayres Chapter DAR
To Honor
Revolutionary Patriots
Who Lived in Orono
In 1984, the chapter presented a flag pole and bronze marker to the Kiwanis Club.