Located at the corner of Main Street and Water Street, Saco, Maine
GPS: Lat:43.48826 Lon:W70.45450
By 1919, a report was given at a chapter meeting that there was an old fort, called the “Brown Fort,” located near the site where the new bank block was being erected in Saco. This was the first of many discussions on placing a marker on the spot of the Brown Fort. On September 5, 1924, the committee on the preservation of historic spots met the trustees of Saco and Biddeford Savings Institute. With their permission a tablet was placed on the building at the corner of Water and Main Streets in Saco, the site of the old fort. A chapter report, dated June 6, 1925, mentions the old fort known as “Browns Garrison,” which was built on land purchased by William Pepperell, Nathaniel Weave, and Patrick Humphrey Scammon of Saco about 1720. It was used for the protection of settlers as late as 1737. On August 5, 1925, the tablet was finally erected.
It reads: