Daughters of the Topsham-Brunswick Maine Chapter NSDAR celebrate the bravery and dedication of our patriot ancestors, whose selfless efforts supported the American Revolution and secured freedom for subsequent generations.
Maine (District of Massachusetts)
- Nathan Bailey
- John Beath
- Joseph Beath
- Nathaniel Bennett
- James Bibber
- Daniel Booker
- Joshua Brackett, Sr.
- Joseph Bray
- John Bridgham Sr,
- John Calderwood
- Thomas Campbell Sr.
- John Chandler
- Benjamin Cilley
- Benjamin Clifford
- Anthony Coombs
- Asa Coombs
- Thomas Cotton
- Thomas Crawford
- Ephraim Crockett
- Isaiah Crooker
- John Croxford
- Daniel Curtis
- Nehemiah Curtis
- Ebenezer Dennett
- Richard Dole
- John Downing
- Benjamin Dunning
- David Dunning
- John Dunton
- Samuel Edwards
- Hansel Farnham
- William Fletcher
- James Flood
- Isaac Fuller
- David Gammon
- John Getchell
- William Getchell
- Nathaniel Gilpatrick
- Reuben Gray
- Ebenezer Greenleaf
- Pelatiah Haley
- Moses Hanscom
- John Hanson
- Jacob Haskell
- Daniel Hill
- Jeremiah Hill
- Joseph Hough
- Robert Hunter
- Benjamin Hutchings
- Jeremiah Jordan
- David Johnson
- James Johnson
- Jonathan Johnson
- Samuel Knight
- Benjamin Larrabee
- Stephen Libby
- Joshua Little
- Calvin Lombard
- Solomon Lombard
- Daniel Look
- William Mallett
- John Marr
- James McCobb
- Samuel McCobb
- Peter McGee
- Joseph McKenney
- Alexander McLellan
- Daniel McMahon
- Daniel Meader
- Jacob Merrill
- Walter Merriman
- Richard Gowell Merritt
- Jonathan Mitchell
- Nathaniel Moore
- John Murray
- John Nevins
- Samuel Nevins
- Josiah Norcross
- Paul Nowell
- Josiah Noyes
- Samuel Odiorne
- John Oliver, Jr.
- Gideon Owens
- William Paine
- John Parsons
- John Paschall
- Actor Patten
- Robert Patten
- Stephen Pennell
- Stephen Perry
- Jabez Perkins
- James Petty
- Joshua Philbrook
- Samuel Pickering
- Ichabod Pinkham
- John Planke Sr.
- James Potter
- Joseph Potter
- Paul Prince
- Humphrey Purington
- James Purington
- Thomas Rand
- William Randall
- William Reed
- Daniel Ridley
- James Ridley
- James Robinson
- John Rowe Sr.
- Luther Sampson
- James Savage
- Thomas Scofield
- Charles Sellers
- William Sellers
- Benjamin Shute
- Joseph Simmons
- Josiah Simpson
- Lewis Simpson
- John Skinner
- James Small
- John Smith
- Isaac Snow
- John Snow
- Samuel Snow
- John Southworth
- James Soule
- Abiel Sprague
- William Stanwood
- Edmund Stevens
- Alcot Stover
- Amos Thompson
- Nathaniel Tibbetts
- Abraham Toothaker
- Seth Toothaker
- Benjamin Townsend Sr.
- Abraham Tyler
- James Wagg
- Daniel Wardwell
- Arunah Weston
- Joseph White Sr.
- George Williams
- Jonathan Williams
- Samuel Williams
- Benjamin Woodman
- William Woodside
- Solomon York
- Stephen Avery
- Enoch Baker
- Elijah Brewster
- Nathan Bristol
- Jedediah Elderkin
- Joseph Emmons
- Pearly Harris
- Israel Morgan
- Temperance Avery Morgan
- William Morgan
- Martin Moses
- Stephen Stowe
- Bayze Wells
- Cornelius Whitney
- Thomas Ansley
- Jeremiah Duckworth
- John Ramsay
- James Drane, Sr
- Ninian Beall Magruder
- Ninian Offut Magruder
- Samuel Magruder
- William Young
- Jonathan Abbott
- Simeon Alden
- Sylvanus Ames
- Eliseus Barron
- Jotham Barron
- Asa Barrows
- John Bartlett
- Samuel Bliss, Sr.
- Nathaniel Bray, Sr.
- Richard Butman
- Ephraim Chapin
- Jonathan Chaffin
- Ebenezer Churchill
- Ebenezer Cobb
- Abraham Colburn
- Lemuel Collins
- John Conant
- Robert Crosby
- Joseph A. Crossman
- Caleb Curtis
- Daniel Curtis
- John Cushing
- Peter Cushing
- John Daggett
- John Dane
- Alexander Davis
- Hezekiah Doane
- John Duval
- Ziba Eaton
- William Edwards
- John Emerson
- Barnabus Fay
- John Flagg
- Asa Foster
- Nathaniel Freeman
- Asa Green
- Isaac Hall
- Eliphaz Healy
- Daniel Henshaw
- Israel Herrick
- Jonathan Hersey
- Elisha Holman
- Abraham Howland
- John Hunt
- Enoch Jackman
- Amos Jones
- Zephaniah Keith
- Ezra Kimball
- Aaron Kneeland
- James Lawton
- Increase Leadbetter
- David Leonard
- Solomon Lincoln
- John Lowell
- Stephen Lowell
- David Manter
- John Marr
- James Matthews
- James Messer
- Joseph Newton
- Wadleigh Noyes
- Hugh Osborn
- Mark Packard
- Isaac Parker
- Hugh Parkhurst
- Gideon Parkman
- Clement Pennell
- Joshua Philbrick
- Frederick Pope
- Paul Prince
- Samuel Pratt
- Paul Pratt
- Nehemiah Randall
- Eleazer Rice
- Joseph Reed
- Ebenezer Rowe
- Joseph Rutter, Jr
- Samuel Sargent
- James Small
- Joseph Small
- Thomas Smith
- James Soule
- Samuel Spear
- Samuel Story
- Lot Sturtevant
- Edmund Sylvester
- Job Sylvester
- Samuel Sylvester
- Charles Thomas
- John Tinkham, Jr.
- John Tinkham, Sr.
- Parker Tyler
- Waite Wadsworth, Sr.
- Joseph Ware
- Elijah Warren
- Phineas Warren Sr.
- Benjamin Wheelock Jr
- Douglas White
- Moses Wing
- Simeon Wing
- Church Winslow
- Noah Wiswall
- James Wood
- Nathan Wood
- Nathan Woodmen
- Isaac Woods
- William Wyman
New Hampshire
- Richard Batten
- Timothy Bradley
- George Chesley
- Jeremy Cogswell
- Elisha Cox
- Josiah Crosby
- John Dale
- Samuel Foss
- Jeremiah Gilman
- Isreal Glines
- Tobias Ham
- Aaron Kenniston
- John Langdon
- Jeremiah Lord
- Reuben Lowell
- Archibald McMillan
- Jacob Pike
- William Prescott
- Stephen Putnam
- Jonathan Reynolds
- Moses Seavey
- Joseph Seward
- John Tash
- William Virgin
- Nathan Wiggin
- Moses Yeaton
New Jersey
- Thomas Cox
- James Chattin
- Job Morris
New York
- David Bevier
- Jedidiah Foster
- John Hawkins
- Jesse Pike
- Sampson Simmons
- George Snell
- Jacob Snell
- Nehemiah M. Hoyt Stebbins
- Isaiah Whitman
North Carolina
- Samuel Harrell
- Samuel Merrill
- William Reames
- David Barr
- Robert Blair
- Andrew Dressler
- Abraham Du Bois
- John Gerhart
- Peter Grossclose, Sr.
- Jacob Hangen
- George Hartzel
- Jacob Leidy
- John Nicholas Mumbower
- George Sheip
- Johann Henrich Yingst
Rhode Island
- Ebenzer Brown
- Daniel Collins
- Stephen Stafford
- Josiah Marcum
- Timothy Mather
- Henry Tolles
- Stukely Thornton
- Jacob Hottel
- William Johnson
- Philip Mallory
- Samuel McSpadden
- Richard Paine
- John Reese
- William Tunnell
- Garrett Van Meter
- Micajah Via
- Jean-Baptiste Maillet