DAR Schools


Education has always been at the core of NSDAR. The promotion of education is one of the three founding objectives of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR).

DAR School

Kate Duncan Smith (KDS) DAR School

DAR Approved Schools

Berry College, Inc.
The Crossnore School and Children’s Home
Hillside School, Inc.
Hindman Settlement School, Inc.

All of these schools were begun in rural and disadvantaged areas where public education was not accessible. The mission of these schools is to provide traditional values and educational skills to the students in order to help them reach their full potential in life. While each school has a different focus, they serve a variety of special needs programs including adult literacy, attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, and children in family crisis. Today the DAR Schools serve thousands of students from pre-school through college and are helping to make a difference in their lives.