About Our Chapter

The Penobscot Expedition Chapter, NSDAR, is committed to promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotism in Mid-Coast Maine. Our chapter is made up of enthusiastic women of all ages, backgrounds, and talents. We would love to have you join us. Please consider coming to one of our meetings. Our chapter regent can provide you with the time and date.
What do we do?

Since its founding in 1890, historic preservation has always been one of the key pillars of the DAR mission. DAR members participate in a wide variety of historic preservation projects because these projects are crucial for preserving American history for future generations. Locally, Penobscot Expedition Chapter, NSDAR, is committed to preserving numerous old cemeteries in Waldo County. Our chapter is participating in the effort to catalog and photograph all of the remaining headstones belonging to American Revolutionary War soldiers buried in our 26 towns. We have plans to repair and clean many of the headstones which need some attention.
The DAR is passionate about educating America’s youth and supports a variety of different programs, contests, and awards to help further this goal. DAR offers many different resources that teachers may find useful when they are teaching subjects such as the American Revolutionary War, family history/genealogy, the colonial period, and early America. Our chapter donates supplies to local schools annually and presents DAR Good Citizens awards to area high school students who demonstrate the qualities of dependability, leadership, service, and patriotism. We also work hard to promote Constitution Week annually, to educate the public about the document that provided the framework of the United States Government.
For over 130 years, the Daughters of the American Revolution has carried the torch of patriotism. Love of country fills the heart of every Daughter. Her love of America is reflected in her assistance and support to all who serve our great country, particularly our nation’s active-duty military and veterans, and to all those in need in her community. Penobscot Expedition Chapter, NSDAR, supports veterans at the Maine Veterans Home and the Togus Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center with donations of lap blankets, personal items, activity books, and other needed items. We support Honor Flight Maine and the retired men and women of Waldo County, Maine, who have served our country.
Our History
The Penobscot Expedition Chapter, NSDAR, was organized on May 13, 1972, in Searsport, Maine. The name was suggested to commemorate the ill-fated Penobscot Expedition of 1779, the largest infantry-naval engagement of the American Revolutionary War which took place in Penobscot Bay. Our chapter was preceded in Waldo County by the John Cochran Chapter, NSDAR, of Belfast, Maine, which met from 1908-1948. It was named in honor of Belfast resident John Cochran, who was a Boston Tea Party Patriot in 1773. Waldo County, Maine, is rich in American Revolutionary War history.
We recently celebrated our 50th anniversary as a community service organization in Waldo County, Maine. Pictured left to right is State Senator Chip Curry, along with several founding members and chapter Daughters.

Interested in joining us?
Membership in the DAR is very rewarding. It provides an opportunity to serve our community while building bonds of friendship with like-minded women. To become a member, a woman must be at least 18 years old and be able to prove blood descent from a person who rendered patriotic service during the American Revolution. If you think you are eligible, come to one of our meetings or contact us. The chapter will help you document your lineage. You can read more about membership requirements here.